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australia new zealand regional IASYM conference,
30 July - 1 August, 2025

The next IASYM Australia New Zealand Regional Conference will be held in Brisbane, Australia, from Wednesday 30 July (10:30am) – Friday 1 August (4:00pm) 2025.

Call for Papers

The IASYM regional conference presents research related to ministry amongst children, youth, and emerging/young adults in the Australia - New Zealand region.

This three-day academic conference provides an opportunity for teachers, lecturers, researchers, research students, and practitioners to engage with the latest scholarship and research as well as present their work to their colleagues for feedback and constructive criticism.

The program for 2025 offers three formats for engagement and interaction: research papers, emerging research, and practitioner reflective discussions:

  • Research Papers are complete works of new research that are ready for constructive critical engagement. Research Papers must be submitted in advance of the conference and when presented will be followed by a prepared response as well as group discussion
  • Emerging Research sessions provide an opportunity to share ‘works-in-progress’ and developing thoughts as well as completed ideas not yet established in a formal paper. These sessions provide an opportunity for new or emerging researchers (whether engaged in formal study or as a thoughtful practitioner) to road-test ideas and receive feedback in a constructive environment.
  • Practitioner Reflection sessions are thoughtful theological reflections on youth issues or youth ministry practice. They may or may not be accompanied by a paper, and provide an opportunity to discuss ideas with the academic community.

Submit proposals by Monday 31 March using this form:

Brisbane 2025: Location and Accommodation

The conference venue will be finalised by the end of May. It will be at one of two possible locations - either at Barry Parade, Fortitude Valley or at Merthyr Road, New Farm. 

Accommodation is not included in the conference registration fees. If you are wanting to book accommodation for the conference now, the two potential venues are only 2kms apart, so you should be able to do so with either venue in mind. Alternatively, you could wait until the end of May when we will let you know which venue has been chosen. 

Public transport to either venue is very good. There are trains and buses close to the Fortitude Valley venue and buses and ferries close to the New Farm venue. Both venues are close to some of the best great cafe and restaurant precincts in Brisbane. 


Registration covers all conference sessions, morning/afternoon teas and lunch each day, conference dinner on Wednesday evening, and breakfast on Friday morning.


All registration Fees are in Australian Dollars.

Discounted registration fees apply for IASYM members. IASYM membership also provides print copies of the Journal of Youth and Theology and electronic access to the current and past issues. Annual membership is €65. Apply for membership.

IASYM fully-paid Members


Full Conference



Wednesday, 31 July (incl. dinner)



Thursday, 1 August



Friday, 2 August



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